Writer’s Retreat

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What do you get if you lock five people all interested in Literature(or six depending on the day of the week) in a house by a beach and tell them to write?

(In case you were wondering the answer is bad amateur photography.)

In all seriousness, I think that the little break from the norm was exactly what I needed.  I would (and frequently do) describe myself as a somewhat uptight person.  I live by the mantra of “What Would Mum and Dad think?” and when I usually go away to my Grandparent’s beach house the week can have the effect of turning me into Scary Prison Guard Dragon Lady.  But so far, every time I have taken people with me down there without parents, I have managed to become a little more laid back and enjoy myself a little more. 

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Every night this week, The Writers did some cooking.  (This was a nice break from consuming a lot of raw cookie dough/ chips/ chocolate and in some cases wine.)  Every day, there was much lying on blankets on the lawn in the blissful sunshine, enjoying the fact that Mandurah refuses to recognise the concept of Winter.  I think I must have gone for about fifteen walks, including one night time one.  I also tried to finish Eat Pray Love, but I didn’t quite manage, what with all the beautiful nature and inspiration.  (But I did spend the whole week spouting cosmic wisdom and saying things like zen and chakra.)  At times, with all four of us curled up over our laptops at the table it did tend to look a little bit like a LAN party or a hacking operation.

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I climbed a tree, also.  It may or may not have had footholds nailed to it… (but any small victory over vertigo is one I will take.)

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There were even some silly boys going body surfing at one point, that’s how nice the weather was. 

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We discovered this architectural gem on one of our walks.  It’s practically inviting you in! (The second time we looked for it, I swear it was GONE.  And then I found it again, so I took a picture… ghost shed?)

Being back in Perth is much less inspiring but I will soldier on.

How bummed am I that Uni is starting again in a week???