Book Haul: April

Such an awful lot of books have entered my house this month... I have a little book buying addiction!

This month I have been loving Elizabeth's Second-Hand Bookstore in Fremantle (all branches.)  There is something lovely about adopting a book that someone else has put aside, and something even lovelier about standing in a room that smells sweetly of old books.

In April, I have adopted:

Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre
The Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeyemi
Making Laws for Clouds by Nick Earls
Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
Zoo Time by Howard Jacobson
Finding Jasper by Lynne Leonhardt
The Reader by Bernhard Schlink
How to be Alone by Jonathan Franzen

At the end of March, I celebrated my 22nd birthday.  Usually I get many many books, but this year I only got one!  My darling boyfriend works in computer science and also studies mathematics, so he picked up a copy of Steven Strogatz's The Joy of X which is one good looking book!

And then there were the books I bought at some of my favourite local bookstores...

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
This Side of Paradise by F Scott Fitzgerald


I want to make a special mention of the last three books I bought... Penguin Books Australia have released a set of Pink Popular Penguins to raise money for the McGrath Foundation.  I couldn't think of a better cause, and so I picked up:

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
The Alphabet Sisters by Monica McInerney
A Spy in the House of Love by Anais Nin

I think in May, I need to concentrate on reading books instead of buying them!

What books entered your collection this April?