Letter by Letter: Dear Writer Revisited

It has been a crazy start to the month/ end of last month, but I am glad to do it because it is so gratifying to get back into writing in a serious (and seriously exhausting way).  One of the projects I am lucky to be able to throw myself into is the Dear Writer Revisited Project!

Carmel Bird's classic book on writing and how to do it is going to be re released in October of this year, updated with all sorts of relevant stuff about being a writer in today's world.  Obviously the industry and the medium has changed a little bit!

I think the call to bloggers which I responded to (Found on the Facebook page) sums it up nicely:

Calling all bloggers & short fiction writers! We are looking for a writer in each state who will read the soon-to-be-released Dear Writer Revisited by Carmel Bird. In Dear Writer Revisited, a fictional Writer who is working on a short story has submitted a short story to the equally fictional, Virginia O’Day Manuscript Assessment Service. What follows is a book about writing fiction, filled with useful quotes, suggestions and exercises. As Mem Fox said of the original: GOD, I LOVE IT! And we think lots of you will too. So, to celebrate this updated edition, we are looking for writers - beginning, emerging or experienced – who are working on a piece of short fiction and who are looking for inspiration, guidance or just a breath of fresh fictional air. 
We are inviting these writers to read Dear Writer Revisited, to work through its exercises, suggestions and ideas about fiction writing and as they do so, to blog about the experience.

Sounds pretty nice, yes?  And, bonus, it should help my writing!  I feel like I could use all the help I can get right now.  The book is written as a series of letters and there are exercises included.  I think what I might do is review the book letter by letter and publish any exercises I get time to do, aiming to finish by the end of October, when I will do a review of everything I have learned.

Won't you join me?